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Do you want to contract a virtual POS without a bank? We explain how to do it

27 de January de 2023

escrito por Dpto Comunicación Cargo Dpto Comunicación

A POS or Point of Sale Terminal is the essential electronic system for managing sales in any business, particularly facilitating payment processing. Traditionally, these devices have been closely linked with banking entities, limiting options for merchants who wanted to avoid bank-associated fees and procedures. However, in the digital era, alternatives have emerged, allowing entrepreneurs to access virtual POS terminals without going through a bank. Currently, fintech companies like PaynoPain offer solid and efficient alternatives in this market.

What is a virtual POS terminal without a bank?

Before delving into how to contract one, it’s important to understand what a virtual POS terminal without a bank is. Basically, it’s a service that enables merchants to accept credit or debit card payments without needing a traditional bank account. These systems rely on online payment platforms that securely and efficiently manage transactions, eliminating bank intermediation and associated fees.

Advantages of contracting a virtual POS terminal without a bank:

  • Lower fees: By eliminating banks as intermediaries, it’s possible to reduce fees associated with card transactions.
  • Ease of access: The registration and setup process for a virtual POS terminal without a bank is usually quicker and simpler than applying for a bank POS terminal.
  • More payment methods: We offer other payment methods such as Buy now,pay later or payment initiation, which are alternatives that may better suit your business needs and help increase conversion rates.
  • Other payment solutions: In addition to virtual POS terminals, PaynoPain offers various other value-added services and tools that can help grow your business, including link payments, QR payments, subscription payments, and many more.

How to contract a virtual POS terminal without a bank?

Contracting a virtual POS terminal without a bank can be a perfect option for businesses that want to offer online payments without dealing with the complications and fees associated with banks. At PaynoPain, we have over 13 years of experience in the payment sector, working with clients of all sectors and sizes. We comply with rigorous security standards endorsed by entities such as the Bank of Spain and PCI-DSS regulations, ensuring reliable and secure service for our clients.

Furthermore, we are technology experts, so we can offer a more comprehensive and faster service than banks typically provide, along with personalized customer support available 24/7.

Among our services, we offer physical POS terminals (more than just card readers, as commonly believed) and virtual POS terminals, used to process payments from credit or debit cards in online stores or e-commerce. Therefore, the easiest way to contract a virtual POS terminal without a bank and meet all your collection needs is to hire PaynoPain’s services, with the Paylands payment gateway and acquiring service. From the bank, you’ll only need a bank account to settle the profits earned. That way, you can start collecting payments from your customers in your online store in a few days.

If you have a business that needs physical POS terminals or more innovative payment technology devices, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.


    Dpto Comunicación

    Paylands es una pasarela de pagos integral y omnicanal que ofrece a nuestros clientes una interfaz adaptable, segura y rápida. Nuestro objetivo es garantizar una experiencia de usuario ágil e intuitiva, para que el proceso de pago sea sencillo y rápido desde cualquier dispositivo.

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