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The four most common types of cyber scams

16 de May de 2024

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In the digital age, global connectivity has opened up countless opportunities, but it has also led to an alarming increase in cybercrime. Among these crimes, online scams occupy a prominent place, taking advantage of the trust and in many cases the ignorance of users to perpetrate fraudulent acts.  In this article we are going to explain the four most common types of cyber scams that you can find nowadays. From PaynoPain we want to give visibility to these problems to help users to protect themselves from these criminal acts. 

The growth of online threats is a constant concern, to which Spaniards are increasingly aware, especially when it comes to their financial data. According to the CIS, more than half of the people who surf the net have suffered a scam or attempted scam in the last 12 months.

Here are  the four most common cyber scams that threaten the security of users during an online purchase. 

The four most common cyber scams that threaten online shopping


This type of cyber-scam is carried out via email. Cybercriminals use it to lure users to fake web pages, where they are asked for confidential, financial or personal information, such as passwords, account numbers or transaction information. In order to make users click on the link they share, they make them believe that there is a serious problem and that it is essential for them to log in and fix it.

In this regard, Check Point Software Technologies revealed in the Cyber Security Report 2023 that in 2022, 21% of global cyber attack entry vectors were due to phishing incidents.

To enable users to make a secure and fraction-free checkout process, small businesses can rely on Paylands, PaynoPain’s payment gateway, which has PCI DSS Level 1 and ISO 27001 certifications. These rigorous standards ensure that PaynoPain’s processes and systems meet the highest levels of security and confidentiality, offering peace of mind to our users in all their transactions.


On the other hand, we have the cyber scam successor of Phishing, the Vishing. This is carried out through a telephone call. The cyber-scammers request personal or financial information by pretending to be a bank or a company that has some kind of link with the victim. This tactic may involve the use of an individual’s voice or an automated system. In other words, in this scam, the scammer may have direct contact with the victim.


Pharming is based on the manipulation of web page traffic in order to steal confidential information. It is a sophisticated form of fraud that manages to direct users to a fake website without them noticing. These fake web pages can be used to install viruses on the user’s devices and steal the customer’s financial identity.


Ransomware represents one of the greatest dangers in the digital world. This cyber scam aims to steal valuable files and personal data, demanding a ransom to release them. Basically, this type of scam can affect both individuals and different companies or entities, putting valuable information at risk.

This cyber-scam can be carried out in several ways. Currently, one of the most common methods is through malicious spam, unsolicited messages received via email. To trick users, social engineering is used to get them to click on links that appear legitimate or to open email attachments.

How can users protect themselves against this type of threat?

According to the latest study conducted by PaynoPain on “New habits in payment methods in Spain 2023” we found that 94.5% of users are concerned about the security and privacy of their data when making online payments. This is crucial for online merchants. In order for users to protect themselves against this type of cyber threats, here are five key tips to keep in mind when browsing online.

Cybercrime-proof passwords

It is essential that you have strong and secure passwords for your online accounts. Try to keep them as far away as possible from simple or predictable passwords, such as birth dates or names. The most advisable is the combination of uppercase, lowercase, number and special characters. In addition, they should be changed periodically and above all, do not use the same password for multiple accounts.

Non-transferable personal data

Personal data must be protected at all times. Sharing sensitive information, such as card numbers or passwords, through unsecured emails or uncertified websites should be avoided. It is essential not to share any information to suspicious emails requesting confidential data.

Secure Websites

Before making an online payment and providing them with personal and financial information, it is essential to make sure that the website is secure and encrypted. In order to check this, it is essential to locate the padlock icon in the address bar and verify that the URL begins with the prefix “https://”. This “S” indicates that the page is secure to protect your data.

Use secure payment gateways

In the survey we conducted, we found that the credit card is the favorite option of Spaniards when making a payment. Without doubt, this is why it is essential to have secure payment gateways such as Paylands, which guarantee a simple, intuitive and secure payment experience so that users can make reliable payments from any device.

Keep systems up to date

Finally, we advise you to always have the latest version of the operating systems installed. This is because these updates tend to include security patches that help protect against the most common vulnerabilities on the network.

Do you want to protect your customers from cyber scams?

Secure payment gateway

In conclusion, the digital age has brought with it a significant increase in cybercrime, particularly in the area of online scams. We have identified four of the four most common types of cyber scams facing users today: phishing, vishing, pharming and ransomware. Knowledge and caution in the digital environment is of vital importance, as well as the need to use appropriate security tools and practices to protect against these threats. 

From PaynoPain, we seek to raise awareness of these risks and provide users with practical tips to protect themselves while transacting through online stores. With a combination of strong passwords, personal data protection, website security verification and the use of trusted payment platforms, users can significantly reduce their exposure to cyber scams and enjoy a safer and more secure online experience.

If you need to hire a secure payment gateway for your ecommerce or want to receive more information about other payment solutions, do not hesitate to contact us!s



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