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Your hotel needs to be PSD2 compliant and Paylands can help you achieve this

27 de January de 2023

escrito por Dpto Comunicación Cargo Dpto Comunicación

By the end of 2020 all European online businesses will have to comply with the new European PSD2 regulation and, although many of them already do, it is particularly difficult for hotels to meet the requirements due to their usual booking and payment policies. Still, every hotel in Europe needs to be PSD2 compliant by November this year and now is the time to get to work.

Due to the new European directive PSD2, credit cards can no longer be used as a guarantee or manual charging, as it is no longer possible to capture card data and charge with this information without the express consent of the customer. The solution to this problem is card tokenisation, a technology that our Paylands payment gateway incorporates and which works in a very simple and effective way. The card data is encrypted in a completely undecipherable way, so that the hotel will not have any contact with the payment data at any time, but can still charge the card after the customer’s acceptance.

On the other hand, from the entry into force of PSD2, hotels will have to start performing double authentication of the customer in order to complete payments. This means that the person trying to make the payment will have to be verified in two different ways: by mobile phone and pin, fingerprint, facial recognition, etc. Thanks to the 3DSecure Paylands technology, it also makes it easier to carry out this double authentication, thus enabling compliance with the two fundamental rules of the new European payment regulations.

In a similar situation are the OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), which in the new legal context will have to have a payment gateway connected to the booking engine or PMS (Property Management System) in order to collect non-refundable items and deposits, as is the case with hotels.

In this way, our payment gateway is presented as a unique and simple solution to comply with PSD2, but Paylands is much more, as it includes a wide range of automation and security tools, such as a fraud monitoring system or the PROXY PCI service, which allows you to comply with PCI DSS regulations without going through the complex process involved in obtaining this certification.

Find out how Paylands can help your hotel, OTA, PMS or Booking Engine to comply with PSD2 and PCI DSS:

    Dpto Comunicación

    Paylands es una pasarela de pagos integral y omnicanal que ofrece a nuestros clientes una interfaz adaptable, segura y rápida. Nuestro objetivo es garantizar una experiencia de usuario ágil e intuitiva, para que el proceso de pago sea sencillo y rápido desde cualquier dispositivo.

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