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Why choose Bizum?

Bizum was born as a solution to send and receive payments instantly between individuals and now, it has also become one of the most common payment methods for online merchants. With Bizum, your customers will only need their cell phones to make payments in your store. Simple, easy and fast! 

More than 42.000 online merchants already accept Bizum as a payment method.

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Advantages of paying with Bizum

Improve the payment experience for your Spanish costumers.

Increase conversion and reduce abandoned cart rate.

Receive instant online payments quickly, easily and securely.

Accept online payments with Bizum

Bizum is the payment solution you need to improve your ecommerce checkout experience. By accepting payments with Bizum, you will offer your customers a payment method they know and trust, thus increasing the conversion of your business.

In addition, it is a very popular payment method in Spain, especially among the millennial population. If this is the target audience of your ecommerce, adding Bizum will increase the conversion rate and generate a better payment experience.

How Bizum works in an ecommerce business?


Add the products you want to buy to your cart


Identify the Bizum icon in the merchant's checkout and choose it as payment method


Verify payment by entering your cell phone number


Confirm the payment in your bank's app to complete the transaction

A payment method you can trust

Bizum is a totally secure payment method, which has the backing of the main banking institutions in Spain and therefore complies with the regulations. In addition, it also complies with European security standards such as PSD2, using the double authentication factor in transactions.

Increase you ecommerce conversion

Although it was born as a solution for sending and receiving instant payments between individuals, Bizum has established itself as one of the most requested payment methods by customers at merchants.

Integrating this payment method in your store is very easy: just click on the button below!

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