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Tourism businesses: why sell online?

27 de January de 2023

escrito por Paylands2 Cargo

As we all know travelers prefer to organize their trips in advance and book as much as possible before their departure. Their main objective is to make sure they choose the best option and not waste time. This is more than enough reason for an online business to seriously consider offering its services online for pre-booking. However, the truth is that there are many more reasons. From PaynoPain, as a provider of both physical and online payment services, we tell you all the benefits:

More sales closings

Getting information and paying online is much more convenient, so it is much more likely to close sales through this channel than only with a physical store, which will also be located close to the competition.

Secure collections

Once you have the user’s purchase data, even if the payment is made later using a token, you can be sure that you will be paid. Unlike face-to-face payments, which can never give you that assurance until the time comes to collect payment.

International reach

By having a virtual version of your business you will be able to reach customers all over the world and not only those who pass in front of your business, inevitably this will mean many more sales.

24/7 hours

Your products and services will be available at any time of the day, as you will not be limited to store opening hours. Many travelers plan their trips in the evening after work and with your online business it will be much easier for you to reach them.

Virtual POS for hotels

However, it is important to remember that to ensure the security of businesses and customers, the new European payment standard PSD2 (Paymant Service Directive 2) has been created. This regulation will become mandatory as of September 14 of this year. This directive aims to reduce fraud and facilitate more secure payments by proposing SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) among other measures. If you are not yet well aware of the process that your company must carry out, you will be interested in our upcoming Webinars on PSD2.

It is very likely that your online business must comply with this regulation. Luckily, achieving this is as simple as choosing an online payment provider that includes the right technologies. This is the case of our payment gateway Paylands, which facilitates with its implementation an increase in sales and compliance with PSD2. Get information without obligation through this form.



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